Saturday, July 03, 2010

Engineering-its not pretty (and it isnt clean either)

Day 31. Living with a boy is messy work. Messy. Hectic. And  always sometimes unrewarding. The toothpaste is never where it's supposed to be. The plates never get put into the sink.The to-do list always gets "lost". If my closests friends read this, they are sitting there thinking "there her OCD has kicked in again." But I am not obsessive, I just like- order. I like "clean" and I LOVE tidy. So when we started living together
I used to have fits like Monica's on Friends "You were so great. You made it so easy! And now you have to leave. And I have to live with a boy!"
Sheesh, it took some getting used to.
This picture is very self explanatory. My husband's job is Dirty (note-with a capital D). He frequently comes home covered in what I like to call-oily black goo. And its not just the clothes. Vanish and Ariel Mountain Fresh deal with those. Its also the backpacks, the boots and the tools. It's messy, it's dirty and and darn-it feels like home.


  1. Hahahahaha oh yeah, I so understand what you mean. I think ANY woman who lives with the man understands. LOL MEN, can't kill them, can't live without them. But I think marriages wouldn't be ever able to survive if us (women) weren't so patient with our men. Sometimes I felt like getting all the clothing from the floor and throwing them out of the window. :))) You would think men actually grow out of toddler age of throwing everything around, forgetting things, being clean and tidy.... an net.... They grow up, but stay the same. :)) I still believe the best Levi's answer to the question "why didn't you iron your shirt?" was "but I washed it". Yeash, life is 100% NOT boring! :))))))))

    Alex is very lucky to have you. <3

  2. :) He he he 100% agree, Alex doesn't "get" ironing either. Ah, our burdens are endless. It is like constantly living with a 5 year old! :) I must give him credit for fixing everything in the house though, the other day the drawer door broke, and I just took it off, and left it next to the drawer, came back later, it was fixed back up- no questions asked. If only it were this easy with socks, or CD's or screwdrivers or...well pretty much all his other things!
