Saturday, July 03, 2010

Day 32. I am a pack rat. Its generic.

Whilst I would not age my wine for 50 years in a dark cold cellar, I do like to save a few delicacies "for better days to come". I get this from my grandmother. Who is a phenomenal woman and an angel in every sense of the word. But more posts about her later. The wine. Uzbekistan makes its own champagne, (see above) branded and heavily marketed throughout the region. No celebration (be it a wedding, a birthday or a Saturday night) goes without a dozen few bottles of this yummy sparkling. As there was no special occasion coming up in June, me and hubby decided to open it up and just enjoy an evening together. So rare.


  1. That is nice you guys just celebrate everything about nothing. :) But I have to agree about Uzbek champagne. Though I never tried it, but my mom just loooooves it and besides her trying different kind of champagne from different countries, she still sees Uzbek one is one of the best. As well as, she always puts a small piece of chocolate inside the glass with champagne. :)

  2. Oh yummm. Yes I agree, its best with chocolate, or pineapple. There is something about it, its not THE BEST- but maybe its the fact thats its local- thats what makes it so special. Especially if you are away from home, you treasure everything that is locally produced.
