Saturday, July 03, 2010

Do you still make a wish?

Day 33. I make wishes with the frequency of a 5 year old that lives by the prophecy of Twinkle Twinkle Little star. I wish whenever I see the first star, I wish whenever my clock hits 11:11- the possibilities are endless. I am a firm believer in crossing fingers and scrunching your face in an attempt to take things right. There is a Russian folklore children’s story about an old man who has caught a goldfish, and the goldfish promised to make his wishes come true as long as he lets it go back into the ocean. The old man’s wife got greedy she wished for a nicer house and the finer things in life. It all ended quite tragically- they were left with nothing. Hence my wishes are simple. They are never materialistic. They are never over-ambitious. They are puny. My wishes are short term. Also, they are never mine- they are for other people. I never wish for myself- I don’t want to strain the goldfish. I heard they have very small brains.


  1. You are way too cute! :) I actually never make any wishes. I make plans and realize them. LOL Even when blowing candles and people yelling to my ear. "Make a wish! Make a wish!" I completely loose myself and just wish for world hunger to end. LOL

    Besides your hints of saying that goldfish won't be able to handle your requests, I still think you are very sweet for wishing things for other people and not yourself. <3

  2. :) The only reason you make "end world hunger" wishes, is because your biggest wish has come true. You have a gorgeous little boy- what more can you wish for? :) He is a wish come true, truly.
