Saturday, July 02, 2011

Now I get it...(ugh!)

A few weeks ago, during one of my lowest most physically challenging battles with breakfast I decided to ground my child. In all seriousness I told Alex that our kid is not allowed to go to prom (16 years from now) because that is the punishment one gets for making mommy so sick.

I have begged, pleaded, negotiated and downright bribed this child already- and he/she is not even born yet. You see, life is somewhat difficult at the moment. The other day I had to blow dry my hair while lying down in bed because I just did not have the energy to sit up. Here is a little overview of things I can no longer do (although sometimes I really want to):

- Have a burger (meat and chicken are currently the root of all evil)
-Sit next to someone who is having a cup of coffee (nothing smells more disgusting than coffee)
-Have the said coffee
-Go into the kitchen. I am beginning to forget what my faucets look like.
-Take a nice long shower. See exhaustion above.
-Go into a supermarket. All the smells! The smells!!!
-Fit into my jeans. (That just makes me sad).

And that my dear friends, is just the tip of the iceberg. Sometimes I sit and wonder "what was I like before all the morning sickness?. Did I go out? I think so. Did I eat Burger King? Surely I did. Did I stay up past 9pm? Yes, I can recall that as well.

I have disappeared off the face of the planet for the last 6-7 weeks in particular. I kept on postponing coffee-dates with friends and politely refusing dinner invitations. Constantly saying "I am not feeling well" was getting too old. Now that my friends know they are a little more understanding of why I take more rain checks than there are days in the week.

So what happened to me? It is a scary thing-not being in control of your body. Pregnancy is so sugarcoated. "Oh it's marvelous, pregnant people glow". Ha! I am sure some sail through the first few months without as much as a zit or a wave of nausea. However, I am feeling the full impact of this "miracle".

But no matter how upset, sick or downright self-pitying I may sometimes get it helps to remind myself that it is all temporary and no amount of morning sickness is ever going to be "too much" because the outcome is just paramount.

I have gained newfound respect for mother everywhere. To go through these 9 months so completely selflessly whilst enduring all the ups and the downs and still being utterly in awe once the baby arrives.

That’s heroic if you ask me.

P.S Oh and please vote in the Boy/Girl poll. :)


  1. I sooooo get you. Congratulations by the way;)

    I liked watermelon and plums alot. Plain pasta with th most boring tomatoe juice. And if I didn't get the smalllllll little peice of food I could stomache I got so wrechedly ill. They say after 2-3 months it goe away but I was sick for 5. They say if you have a girl or twins the monrng sickness lasts longer. So that might help you with your poll;) for those guessing.

  2. Not a woman here, but i do understand, but when my wife went through the stage the same as yours, she never crave for any food

  3. Loool! You're beginning to sound like someone I know (whom you also know) who just got over her first 3 months of pregnancy :)

    Best of luck! You'll be a great mother despite the prom restriction rule

  4. @Omani Princess: pasta is definetly on my "approved" list at the moment. I am almost done with 3 and nothing has gone away. To be fair- I have not thrown up, even once (I hope I don't jinx it!!!), but its the feeling of "right about to throw up" that stays with me every minute of the day. Oh. Charming.
    @macbookprodad- I think my husband will agree that pregnancy is hard on the men too! Poor Alex, I am really driving him crazy these days.
    @Susan: Yes, I know who you mean, and she agrees to the things I have posted here-it's good to have someone to share this with!
