Friday, July 02, 2010

A belated update

Day 30. Oman. Drivers. Frustration. My beautiful shiny Nissan Sunny got its first bruise and bump. It was parked (minding its own business)  outside a shopping center. There were dozes of free parking spaces all around, but as life often has it- the sweetest parking spot was next to my brand new car. I was buying new shower curtains one minute, and the next there is a rather worried gentleman and a security officer hovering over my car. " I am sorry, I was reverse parking and hit it" he says..."But its new" I say. Although it wasnt a bad scratch, and could easliy be fixed with some polish- the damange to me, was done. I was heartbroken, and angry. Why couldn't he have parked somewhere else. If you can't reverse parked, don't do it! I would know! I failed reverse parking 4 times before I got my license. It's not easy. And it should not be done in between two cars. Ever.
Day 29.Project 365 is brought to you by Nikon DX 5000 and Olga Kubrak. My husband convinced me to buy this camera (although he denies this-he says it was a mutual decision), to be able to better document our life in Oman. So many changes were taking place, we were on a constant rollercoaster- everything was new. So Alex (as he always does) spent countless weeks on forums and sites, evaluating and carefully choosing the right device to document this exciting part of our lives. Here is is below.


  1. You both did a great job buying this camera. It is amazing and I think it made your life even better and now you see a lot of things different than you thought before. I bet now every time you see some pretty thing, you calculate in mind what angle to turn to take the best shot. :) Plus, you are getting better and better with taking professional pictures that soon you would have to quite your corporate job and open Studio. :)

  2. :) Thank you darling. I initially started this project, just for scap-booking some memories. Because time flies by, and in desperation to hold on to it, I wanted to document each day. But overtime, it turned out that experimenting with the camera is a lot of fun. But I would not do it professionally, I dont have enough confidence for that :)
