Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 28. I (heart) Muscat International Airport. It never lets people go.

Can this get any more stressful? My mother in law was leaving Oman on this day, we arrive at the airport, adrenaline is high, bags are heavy, eyes are teary- then they will her that her visa to India is expired and she cant travel there. PANIC. Return tickets, contact the embassy, plan the trip back to Tashkent, stress out about expenses...and all because she forgot to check the validity of her visa. Well, you ask, how did she buy her ticket without the visa? Well that my friends, is customer service in Uzbekistan... thats all I have to say on the subject. Picture of the day is How COSTA Camomile Tea  Saved The Day (because they dont sell whiskey in the Muscat International Airport- over the counter :) )

Day 27. Alex goes to the desert again. I am out of ideas, and motivation because I miss him the minute he gets out of the door (the little things, like the empty can of coke that he never throws out, or the computer which is always on, or the blaring rock music and especially the motorcycle equipment all over the sitting room). So below is a picture of me missing him and also a continuation of Happiness Is...

Day 26.  It's Murphy's Law that if you have lived somewhere for a while, you are very unlikely to visit the "touristic spots". In Muscat, we have the Grand Mosque which is world famous for having the biggest (and most expensive I am sure) Swarovski chandelier and the biggest Persian Carpet. It is a magnificent place. And it if wasn't for my mom in law visiting I would not have gone today. This Mosque gets photographed from the outside and the inside by dozens of people a day, its on the cover of magazines and widely available for online viewership. But nothing can convey the atmosphere inside. It is cool. Peaceful. And it calms the mind a way only faith can. If it was up to me I would have spend 2-3 hours photographing it, but we were tourists- in and out of there in 40 minutes. So below is the best I could do:


  1. I love your "Happiness" Thread. Your pictures were so perfect to the chosen words. You are not just beautiful in and out, but so wise. :) and yes you do have a way with words and that's just wayyyyy too much for one person to handle. LOL You are too good to be true, but you are truuuuuuuuuuuuuuue! :d

    I am sorry you went through all the stress, but thank God everything was finalized. :)

  2. :) aww you are making me blush Vera :) Lolz. thanks for finally coming back to the blog and leaving dozens of comments! It means the world to me!
