Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Then we decided to have two weddings...

We could not solve the problem of having a tradtional wedding and still making it fun for our friends. My husbands buddies are all life-loving-beer-drinking-rocking-never-stopping kind of people. And there are over 20 of them. See below:

Then there were friends of mine, well-mannered-non-smoking-future-presidents who I wanted by my side in this special day.

And ofcourse we wanted to keep the wedding simple and traditional. With this "mission-impossible" pressing on our shoulders we seeked for a way out! We wanted to have our cake and eat it too! There was only one solution-to have the "biker" wedding separetly from the "traditional" wedding. In a bar. Two days after our wedding. In a bar. The bar where we both hang out for a few years, yet never ran into each other. As hectic as getting one wedding ready was, we had another one around the corner. That meant, another dress, other invitation, other menus and other event programs. Only the brave and the insane can pull that off, I guess we were a little of both :) Thankfully, our best man was the director of that certain bar, VM bar it is called. But that bar deserves its own post all together.


  1. Wow, you have pulled it off!!! You should post pictures from the biker wedding Sweetie! How different was it from traditional one? What dress did you wear? I think you should dedicate post and pictures for only biker wedding... It would be fun to read and for people to know, since it is quite unusual you know? So can't wait!!!!

  2. Ya it did have a different dress, and a different crowd :) It was a nice evening, more quite than we expected, because everyone was already exhausted from the actuall wedding :) I will definetly post pictures :)
