Monday, July 13, 2009

How we got carried away...

Wedding preparations are bound to get the best of you. I doubt there is a single couple out there, who had a calm, fight-free,fit-throwing-less wedding preparation. Unless they hired a planner. Or got married spontaneously. In our case, we spend two months getting ready for a wedding, that flew before our eyes in minutes. We were so exhausted from looking at ribbons, choosing baloon colours, tasting cakes, trying on clothes, signing invitations, looking for a place to live... This all sounds like great fun when you read it, and you are probably thinking "Eh, what is she complaining about", but try joggling wedding preparations, a full time job, and a full time family. It was difficult. And unbearable at times. And that is mostly why we scaled down so much. There were no ice sculptures, no famous singers performing, to wedding album even-we did as much as we could, and we were happy with the result. Some way through Alex concentrated on proving us with a home, and I took care of the wedding preparations, we would meet up daily and discuss what has been achieved. I received a lot of help with the preparations, My Cynthia has organizing the bachelorette party and the wedding in the Bar, My Foosa was responsible for an unforgettable "giving-away" the bride routine, My Lyu was coordinating the above mentioned procedures and made everything as easy as it could possibly be. The moral of the story is; don't turn away help with wedding preparations, if your grand ma is unsatisfied with the receptions menu and wants to make some of her famous chicken pie-let her, if your in-laws find you a great wedding dress tailor-give her a try, if your parents decide to bring 10 last minute guests in-take it with a smile. They are a part of your wedding to. A wedding is a family affair. It is never about you and your husband alone. That would be too selfish. It is about two families uniting their children and becoming one, and if they want to get lost in the process-so be it. Let them. Enjoy it.


  1. Awww, this is such a sweet post! I wish I could be of any help for your wedding! :( It makes me sad that I didn't contribute in ANY way! :( It is not so important to have famous singers or ice scultupres. Honestly I always think that most of the weddings that are performed back at home is pretty much a big show off. You gotta do what you want to do and not what people expect you to do. Though our ceremony will be small here, there are still so many things to deal with. Only couple of friends will be able to help me out in here. I wish you all were here! BTW come over with Lesha and have a honeymoon with us! It would have been so great!

  2. :) Aww and you know wut i fee bad about? My wedding getting in the way of me saying Happy Birthday to Sandon! Well, at least now you will never forget our anniversaries :)
    A honeymood would be great! We still didnt go on ours :)

  3. So maybe you should give it a thought of seriously coming in November here for your honeymoon?
