Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 53. My inspirations

I am very lucky to work in an architecturally brilliant property. Although I spend 95% of my time behind the desk at my computer, the moment I step out to the grounds of the hotel the magnificence of it hits me like a blast of cool air. And I am inspired. The contemporary contours, the rich fabrics, the sparkling chandeliers all buzz through my veins like a much needed dose of Redbull. I am a junkie for all things beautiful. To some extent, I am also easily distracted and terribly forgetful. There, now all my cards are right out there on the table- please feel free to use them against me. The good news is that with the help of vitamins, modern gadgets and a few god-sent people in my life I am successfully combating these waves of “I am sure I am not easily distra…oh look a Bunny!!!”. There are also days when my brain would be perfectly content with achieving one (!!!) critical task and after it will happily hibernate for the next 24 hours. I have managed to keep these personality disorders well away from my work-Olga-persona, because work-Olga and casual-Olga are the very different people. Sometimes I think I am overwhelmed, and that’s when I start feeling sorry for myself and….hibernate. These moods are deadly-especially with project 365 running non-stop. I cannot afford to slack off; I can’t allow myself to procrastinate. Over the years of this patterned and predictable behavior I have learned to effectively recharge my batteries, so below are just a few of the things that inspire me to get off my butt and do what it is that I have set out to accomplish:

When I cannot achieve anything at home I go to this helpful website:

When I need to write a blog post because I have been slacking-off this amazing, inspirational, full-of-great-ideas blog Want What You Have:

To be inspired to pick up my camera and carry on with Project-365 I visit Kara:

When I need guidance, spiritual healing or an ice cream companion this woman helps me:

To heal bad-spelling days and blonde moments:

To put into words the rage, attitude and sarcasm bubbling under my skin I go HERE:

To cool down and distress after a particularly challenging day at work:

After being surrounded by difficult, screaming kids that make me doubt the essence of motherhood this loving mother/family puts things in perspective:

When the challenges of womanhood overwhelm me, this legendary woman inspires me:

When I  get wrapped up in being a grown up and forget what “fun” is all about:

The End. Inspired Yet?


  1. Thank you Nadine, I didnt realize that you read it! So share, what inspires you??? I still remember you as the most bubbly, happy, cheerful person I have ever met...where does all that optimism come from? :)

  2. That's a pretty pic at the bottom, mashaAllah.

  3. Spasibo Zolotoy! It meant a lot to me to know that I inspire you as a mother. I always feel that I can do more and better for Sandon and knowing that someone looks up to me in this is the most precious reward I can ever get. Your post inspired me in every single aspect of my life and in some aspects that I thought I couldn't be inspired. Thank you for the kind and joyful words! Love you more than EVER!
