Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 60. Cats and Ghosts (or bugs)

No seriously. My cat has developed a newly found obsession with the ceiling in my bedroom. He also has these waves of panic when he would just run around the house in frenzy either chasing after something or running away from something (probably the latter). Now, we are talking about a cat that may have as well inspired the Garfield comics, wont-lift-my-butt-up-for-anything-except-breakfast kind of cat. Nevertheless, a few weeks back he actually started climbing to the top of my wardrobe, so high that his ears touch the ceiling when he sits there, and he watches the lamps that hang nearby with caution. Not to mention that he once actually tapped the lamp with his paw, and set it to swing for about half an hour while I stood nearby waiting for it to crash to the floor. When the light is turned on now, the circuit makes a funny noise now, that can’t be good.

He also follows something on the ceiling with his gaze, nervously twitching the whole time. I am trying not to jump to any conclusions here, because…well…it’s a cat. My husband said that he must be seeing a fly or just a shadow there, but I don’t think so.

Owners of cats, have you ever come across such behaviour?

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