Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 44. Steak Fridays.

Bikers are energetic beings. Their meals have to be rich in Vitamin A,B,C,D,E which are all found in red meat and poultry. Folic acid is also a must, for all those scrapes and scratches to heal faster. I doubt there are any vegetarians amongst them. They require a lot of nutrition, but no nonsense such as soups or broths.
The truth about a biker’s nutrition plan:

• It’s not morning unless there is coffee

• It’s not coffee if it has milk in it. It is a Starbucks lie.

• If it’s not fried- then it’s not cooked.

• If it’s not beer, then it is not a beverage.

• Meat always wins over chicken.

• Chicken is hardly a dish on its own.

• It is possible to have 16 oz steak, with chicken as a side dish (and fries).

• Broccoli, spinach and cabbage- these are not food. They are garden weeds.

• The redder the better.

• The portion is only big enough when the plate can no longer be seen.

• Ribs and chops are “teasers”, bring on the whole shoulder.

• Sushi <----where is the meat in that?

• Garden green salads <----where is the meat in that?

• Seafood- not red, not fried, not lean- not a dinner option.

• A side dish cannot be boiled, grilled or slow cooked. It must be fried, or it will be thrown.

• It is not curry unless you cry when you eat it.

• It is not pasta unless its topped with bacon/cream/mince meat/all of the above.

• A bar of chocolate is not dessert, but a kg of chocolate is.


  1. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soo funny u should be writer not photographer.:P
    love the part ( It is not curry unless you cry when you eat it).:D

  2. Hahahahaha way too cute! :)) So agree with Alex about meat! Meat IS everything INDEED! And that is so sweet that you know him so well. You are such a great wife, Solnishko!

  3. After reading this, he agreed to everyone of them.Except for one. But now I dont remember which one it was. He did love the one about the portion size, that was his favourite. :) And ya, i do know him pretty well, that's why he hasnt starved yet :P
