Sunday, September 19, 2010

On a happier note…

It is our 2nd Wedding Anniversary Today!

A worthy reason to return the blog which I have shamelessly abandoned since my last post (see below).

I needed a break, some time off but the most viable excuse I have is that I have just not been up for it. I have been drained by the events of the last 3 weeks, because…I went on holiday. We went back home to Uzbekistan and 9 hours later had to attend the funeral of one of my closest friends….but more about that later, because I have just glued back the pieces of myself together and I am not yet ready to pick them apart and Deal.With.It

Back to the anniversary. This day two years ago, we said our “I do’s” and we absolutely still DO! I woke up to an amazing flower bouquet on my night table and the day has just gotten better since! We are going out for a romantic candlelit dinner tonight (aka a date- it’s been a while!) and we are going to sit there, munch on our Mexican feast and enjoy each other’s company!

These two years have flown by in a wink of an eye. So much has happened and so much more has yet to happen. We have established ourselves, we got to know each other better and began to (!!!) compromise and cooperate on areas that were challenging in the past! Was it easy? Not even a little bit. It is challenging and takes a lot of hard work, but as long as you keep your eyes on the prize- it’s all absolutely worth it! Marriage is all about falling in love many times- and always with the same person.

This year, I have failed to get a present for the worst reason possible- work overload. It has been one of those weeks where the morning blends into evening and before I know it, its night and I have yet again failed to come up with a creative solution to the anniversary gift! I may just have to tie a bow around myself this evening… what better gift could there be?


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! 2 years-that's awesome! Good for you! You are just 6 months ahead of me and my wife! :-)
    Good to see you back blogging.
    I love your blog and have subscribed so that I see new posts whenever I log onto blogger.
    May God continue to bless you and your hubbie!

  2. Congratulations!!!! I hope things settle for you soon and you find some balance, so you can enjoy what life is all about :)

  3. Andy: Thank you for the wishes! Very sweet of you! Great that you follow the blog too, I will try to live up to the expectations and blog more often!
    Delirious: Thanks, things have settled, although I am quite clearly in denial about the loss. Or maybe this is just one of the steps in the grieving process...
