Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Day 14- The return of the cyclone

In 2007 Oman was badly hit by cyclone Gonu. Hundreds of people have lost houses, cars and even loved ones. Today the newspapers, medeo channels and television are all promising the return of another cyclone- Phet. The UAE Meteo Channel has announced that " Cyclone Phet  to hit Oman as a full fledged category 5 cyclones with massive destruction possible around the path of the eye." That's why we are preparing for the worst! We have packed all valuable belongings (did I mention that we live 3 minz away from the sea?), and moved to my parents house for the next few days. We have been promised rain, thunder and a destructive wind for days to come. I hope it blows over. Literally. While we are sitting and having a peacefull dinner, the clouds are emerging fast from the side of the ocean (and this is picture of the day) :

These white clouds are coming right from the side of the sea, Qurum area. Scary.


  1. it look as if it will go through Masirah - up the Wahiba Sands - over Jebel Akhdar and on to Pakistan

  2. Lets hope so. :) we have to wait till the morning to know for sure. they have already evacuated Masirah though.
