Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 48. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

I have never read that book.

And I don't intend to either. You cannot textbook men and women. You cannot get marital advice from a paperback New York bestseller. It needs to be lived through, survived through and experienced firsthand. I am not an expert at it; I am a 2 year old amateur. And as any two year old, our marriage has just learnt to put words into sentences and verbally convey what it is that it needs. As any toddler throws tantrums when he is not able to clearly express his needs, we have done the same. Now that we are approaching our second year, we are more adapting. It doesn’t always work. Sometimes we outright fail at being husband and wife. I get asked a lot, what being married is like…I say it’s tough. Its hard work, but as any hard work usually is- it is also rewarding.

I married a no-nonsence kind of guy. No-sentimental-crap kind of guy. Everything is black and white. Engineers are very specific, very tactical. They don't believe in Valentines Day. They will never remember their aunt's birhtday. They are also likely to forget their own birthday. They love strongly and completely. He gives it his all, and his all is everything to me. I count the little things. I appriciate the unintended.
He is opinionated, strong willed, adventurous and restless. I am stubborn, sensitive, careful and passive. We are fire and ice when our opinions collide. However on the rare occasion that we want the same thing- we are unstoppable.

I recommend marriage. I am pro-marriage. Everyone should try to achieve the impossible at least once in their life...


  1. This is so beautifully written! One of your best pieces.

  2. thank you dasha! I wanted to put a lot more into it, but the other stuff is too personal to share at this point. :)

  3. I really like this post even though I am not necessarily pro-marriage. I like it because you are realistic, but still very sweet. I think this is what real romance should be, it shouldn't be just the way everyone says it is. It should NEVER come from a textbook, but from the heart.

  4. Hey you :) Welcome to the blog, and good to be in touch again! I have been reading your blog like a crazy person yesterday- I find it so interesting! You did really well with it! Hope to see more posts more often ;)
