Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Getting a biker to wear a suit

My husband did not own a single suit. Leather pants-sure! But formal suits-never! There was never a question regarding whether or not my husband will be wearing a suit, its the bowtie that was a surprise.

As you know my mother was vacationing in Ukraine when we set the date, but it was a month before that whe she came back from Oman, with a suitcase full of wedding presents and attire. The necklace I wore, the stockings and other essentials were already available 3 months before the wedding, which took much of the stress off. She also go Alex a wonderful white shirt (his first one i believe) and...a bowtie. A biker, who did not own a single tie or even a decent pair of shoes, was soon to turn into a clean, classy, well-put-together charming young man. He cleans up good. The suit was not easy to find. His height is just under 1.90 cm, so finding something that fits was real trouble. First we checked out the boutiques, we even had a few suits flown in from Dubai, but they did not fit either. My husband is extremely picky about clothes (suprise!), the legth and the width of the trousers had to be just right. We were also looking for a light suite, which was a real hard find in Tashkent, where everyone sticks to what is usual and tradional. A few weeks and 32 stores later, we found what turned out to be the perfect suit, for just over $350. It was a great price, and most important-Alex was comfortable enough to ride his bike in it :)

Half a year before the wedding. Alex is on the right with a few biker mates at the bikers season opening ceremony :)

Our wedding day. The amazing biker makeover.


  1. OMG, Sweetie! The preparation for your wedding was something! Another proof of Alex's love for you is to wear that suit! He looks great in it though!

    Makeover went awesome! LOL

    I love your new theme! :)

  2. Thank you! I am finally getting the hang of using blogs :)
    And ya Alex even trimmed his hair (smt he hasnt done in 7 years) for the wedding! This may seem shocking to everyone who goes to the hairdressers once a month, but trust me-bikers are something different, well atleast my biker is!
