Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 62. Me myself and I

Ross: What was Monica's nickname when she was a field-hockey goalie?
Joey: Big fat goalie!
Ross: Correct. Rachel claims this is her favorite movie.
Chandler: Dangerous Liaisons.
Ross: Correct. Her actual favorite movie is?
Joey: Weekend at Bernie's.
Ross: Correct. In what part of her body did Monica get a pencil stuck at age 14?
Chandler: Oh! (Whispers an answer in Ross's ear.)
Ross: Ew! No! Her ear!

Remember this episode of Friends? It’s hilarious. The reason I am forcing all of you into a deep nostalgia over the series, is because picture of the day is- Me. See below.

Now, I could never write a blog post about myself. I wouldn’t know what to say (or how to say it). I've been putting off this blog post for 3 days because I realized that describing me- would be pretty damn hard. I would not be honest, to put it frankly. This is where best friends and old Facebook notes come in handy. Have you ever been tagged in a silly game that made you write 25 random facts about yourself? Well I have. These are the answers from about a year ago and a half ago (laugh all you want):

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose up to 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's probably because I want to know more about you.
1) For a long time i hoped someone would finally tag me, and i would get to write 25 random things about myself :)
2) I recently found out that I spend four years of my life studying a subject i have absolutely no interest in-Marketing! Talk about wasting your time :)
3) I have a phenomenal fear of dead things birds/cats/dogs/people. I freak out, panic, freeze in shock... I couldn’t even deal with a pet bird when it died, I got Cynthia to bury it appropriately (throw it in the garbage) when it died.
4) I was a huge Winnie the Pooh fan at age 11. Clock, pillow, poster, book, pen, and calendar- i had everything!
5) I know the characteristics of every zodiac sign by heart. Comes in handy when meeting new people.
6) My mother is a physics teacher; needless to say I did not get any of her genes!
7) I am extremely technologically challenged, the most I can do is change the batteries in the remote.
8) I once fearlessly dissected a hamster, poked his insides and enjoyed it! (All this in biology class, don’t worry)
9) I cannot do mathematics. I got really bad grades in school, and my mom spend a good amount of time listening to Ms.Rosemarry complain about me! The same went on in uni, and I am still not trusted with finding out 20% from $10,000 at work!
10) I spend more than I earn.
11) I insist on watching a scary movie, then hide behind the couch all night, while others enjoy the thrill!
12) I wore braces and glasses when I was 12! It was ridiculous, but then my teeth got straight, I got laser surgery, and I am finally pretty now!
13) I always eat something sour followed by something sweet, and vise versa! I like a balanced diet :)
14) I read every Harry Potter book, about thrice :)
15)..and I am a huge fan of Ice age and Nemo. I know all the quotes and use them daily :)
16) Amongst the things I would never try are skydiving, diving, rollercoaster rides and bungee jumping.
17) WE still didn’t go on a honeymoon :)
18) I've got friends in almost every country of the world! That is the advantage of going to an international school :)
19) I learned French for 6 years and i still cannot say "I need directions"
20) I am secretly a hippy, I like recycling, reusing, saving the nature and etc. (Shame on you BP!)
21) I am not addicted to coffee, cigarettes, shopping or any other destructives pleasures of life
22) I worked as Merchandiser in Mango (the shop) and spend most of my salary on Mango clothes! No fair!
23)I have relatives in 8 different countries : Uzbekistan, Russia, Syria, Dubai, Malaysia, France, Canada, and Oman
24) I am an awesome cook :) It actually relaxes me when I am tired, now you all know why Alex married me :)
25) I have recently become the godmother of an adorable little boy!

P.S - some of the answers above don't apply anymore, the other 98% still do.

However Cynthia also put in her 2c in order to help with this post about me. Because who knows me better than Cynthia? We must have been sisters in a past life or something, seeing her feels like coming home. If we were sisters, or even twins, she was most definitely the evil one, because this is what she reveled about me:
Cynthia's revelations about Olga K:
1. Had every hair color in the book (including orange and peachy blonde)
2. Can eat pizza for breakfast any day
3. Is good at drawing
4. Knows French (I would not trust this one, see 19 above)
5. Used to get drunk off one beer (shame to all Russians)
6. Forgets to feed birds (PETA no worries, she doesn’t keep birds anymore) – see 3 above
7. Can burn off her lip by eating salt and vinegar chips nonstop in large quantities
8. Cannot stick to a detox diet for longer than a few hours
9. Considers salad a meal (wtf?)
10. Has friends all over the worlds and is in touch with them all- which proves she is a good friend
11. Once attempted to make a giant chocolate chip cookie. Note the “attempted part”. She didn’t realize it cannot be eaten as a whole
12. Doesn’t remember making that cookie because she has memory issues
13. Has a system for packing the groceries. God forbid anyone messes with that system
14. Claims she is a cat person, in reality she likes all pets
15. Talks in cartoon quotes. All.the.time “They do this every year!!!”

Now all my cards are out on the table.
If you never visit this blog AGAIN after reading this, I will understand...

1 comment:

  1. the most funny part is (Cynthia's revelations about Olga K) made me feel like ur barbie.......................:P
