Saturday, April 11, 2009

Why the official registration is a pain the #%!

The law is that every couple eager to get married must go through the unimaginable hell of collecting medical certificates, giving blood samples, peeing in a cup and bribing doctors they find questionable in order to prove that they are ready for "married life". Having left the city hall with a bundle of papers and doctor names and addresses, we then happy and carefree were not prepared for what was about to come! Beginning July 20th and ending somewhere amidst the hot month of August, our quest to prove that we are healthy, sane, drug free and still "eager" to get married, began. Here is just a simplified version of the doctors we were supposed to visit and tests we were supposed to get
  • Drug test (a cup full of pee)
  • A shrink (because only the mentally unstable would want to register their love)
  • AIDS (some blood+3 sleepless nights+relief)
  • Cyphillis (see above!)
  • Other types of sexually transmitted desease (gyno+blood tests)
  • Tuberculosis (as if these medical institutions need anymore work!)
  • Heart and Digestive System
Most of these would have been fine if they were located close to each other, took up less than 15 minutes to complete and didnt have a line of old/young/annoyed/irritated patients waiting to attend to. I proudly announce that this was the first test and a small insight into married life that we have gone through proudly! We completed everything! Complained little, bribed a lot, and got all our papers in on time, and it cost us around $50! Little did we know that our nerve wrecking medical adventure was just the beginning of the insanity yet to come.


  1. funny, we didn't get to do any of this staff.

  2. I guess its new.There is a monetary shortcut, for those who need to be married in a hurry, at the end of the day it costs the same to bribe the city council as it does to do all the medical tests.
